自闭症康复网 > 智力测验低估了自闭症患者的智力范围


时间:2024-03-30 14:09:16



作者:瑞克 纳依尔特博士兼高级新闻主编

Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on October 3, 心理学博士约翰 M.格罗霍于10月3日审校

A new study finds that traditional intelligence testing may be underestimating the capabilities of individuals displaying an autism spectrum disorder.一项新的研究表明,传统的智力测验可能低估了那些表现出自闭症系列障碍的个体的能力。

Traditionally, autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger’s syndrome, have generally been associated with uneven intellectual profiles and impairment.传统的观点认为,自闭症系列障碍,包括阿斯佩各综合征,通常伴随着不规律的智力特点和智力损伤。

However, a new study of Asperger individuals published in the online journal PLoS ONE, suggests specialized testing are needed for this special population.然而,发表在《公共科学图书馆?综合》一项新的关于自闭症个体的研究表明,对于自闭症这个特殊的群体,需要特制的测验。

Researchers discovered Asperger’s individuals’ scores are much higher when they are evaluated by a test called Raven’s Progressive Matrices, which encompasses reasoning, novel problem-solving abilities, and high-level abstraction.研究者发现,当用瑞文推理测验评估自闭症个体时,他们的分数要比在传统智力测验中的分数高,瑞文推理测验包括:推理,新颖的问题解决能力,以及高水平的抽象能力。

By comparison, scores for non-Asperger’s individuals are much more consistent across different tests. Interestingly, Asperger participants’ performance on Raven’s Matrices was associated with their strongest peaks of performance on the traditional Wechsler.经对比发现,非自闭症患者在不同测验间的分数是相当一致的。有趣的是,参与瑞文推理测验的自闭症个体的表现与传统韦克斯勒测验的最高分数相关联。

A previous study by the same group found very similar results for autistic individuals as well, whose peaks of ability are perceptual, rather than verbal as in Asperger individuals.这群研究者之前对于自闭症个体的研究也有着类似的结果,自闭症个体最强的能力是感知觉,而非语言能力。

This observation suggests that individuals with autism spectrum disorders have a common information processing mechanism for different aspects of information (verbal vs. perceptual).这项观察表明患有自闭症系列障碍的个体对于信息的不同方面,如语言的、感知的,拥有一个共同的信息处理机制。

According to co-author Michelle Dawson, “while we know autistics process information atypically, very little thought has gone into how to fairly assess their abilities. In fact, there is so little understanding of what autistics do well that their strong abilities are often regarded as dysfunctional.据合著者米歇尔 道森说,尽管我们知道了自闭症个体有着非典型的信息处理方式,但我们却对如何有效评估他们的能力知之甚少。事实上,我们对自闭症个体擅长的方面了解很少,以至于他们较强的能力常常被视作功能异常。

Dawson said that measurable strengths in autistic spectrum individuals are not “isolated islets of abilities” as previously thought, but are in fact representative of autistics’ intellectual abilities. This in turn raises questions about how to provide autistics with the kinds of information they can process well.道森说,与之前所认为的一样,自闭症个体可测量的优势并非与能力不相干,相反,却是自闭症个体智力能力的体现。这就反过来促使人们思考:对于自闭症个体能够很好处理加工的信息,我们要如何呈现给他们?

“We consider the effort to understand and encourage autistic strengths to be of paramount importance,” Dawson said.道森说:我们认为,目前最重要的是,尽量去了解并鼓励自闭症个体的自身优势。

The results suggest that although autistic spectrum intelligence is atypical, it is also genuine, general and underestimated.这样的结果表明,尽管自闭症个体智力范围是不同于常人的,但也太过笼统,且低估了这类个体的真实能力。

