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慢性脑血流低灌注 chronic cerebral hypoperfusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-24 20:10:06


慢性脑血流低灌注 chronic cerebral hypoperfusion英语短句 例句大全

慢性脑血流低灌注,chronic cerebral hypoperfusion

1)chronic cerebral hypoperfusion慢性脑血流低灌注

1.Behavioral and pathologic changes ofchronic cerebral hypoperfusion in mice小鼠慢性脑血流低灌注状态的行为学检测及病理学观察

2.Objective To investigate the changes of β-amyloid peptide(Aβ) in rats’ blood and brain under the condition ofchronic cerebral hypoperfusion.目的研究慢性脑血流低灌注对大鼠血和脑内β-淀粉样肽(β-amyloid peptide,Aβ)含量的影响。

3.Until now, the therapies available of white matter lesions induced bychronic cerebral hypoperfusion include symptomatic treatment and controlling risk factors of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.缺血性白质脑病的分子病理机制仍不明确,对于慢性脑血流低灌注导致的脑组织能量代谢障碍和神经活性物质代谢障碍造成以白质损伤为主的病理损害的分子机制仍然缺乏清楚认识。


1.Behavioral and pathologic changes of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in mice小鼠慢性脑血流低灌注状态的行为学检测及病理学观察

2.The Study of Cerebral Blood Flow by Xenon-CT in Patients with Chronic Cerebral Circulation Insufficiency氙气CT灌注成像对慢性脑缺血患者脑血流量评价的研究

3.A Study on the Treatment of Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults by Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults by Intraventricular Infusion of Urokinase with Low Venrticular Drainage;脑室低位引流并尿激酶灌注治疗成人原发性脑室出血的研究

4.Experimental and Clinical Study on the Treatment of Pressor Perfusion for Hypodynamics Ischemia of Brain;加压灌注治疗低血流性脑缺血的基础与临床研究

5.Study on Renal Perfusion of Chronic Renal Failure in Rabbits with Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound;超声造影研究兔慢性肾衰肾血流灌注

6.Effects of selective deletion of adenosine A_(2A) receptors of peripheral leukocytes on cerebral white matter injury induced by chronic hypoperfusion外周血白细胞腺苷A_(2A)受体缺失对慢性低灌注性脑白质损伤的影响

7.The Influence of Local Mild-hypothermia Therapy on Cerebral Blood Flower in the Patients with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage and Its Clinical Signification局部亚低温对急性脑出血患者局部脑血流灌注的影响及其临床意义

8.Cerebral lymphatic blockage depresses cerebral perfusion pressure and the reactivity of basilar artery to acetylcholine after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage脑淋巴引流阻滞降低实验性蛛网膜下腔出血后脑灌注压和基底动脉对乙酰胆碱的反应性

9.Analysis of Cerebral Ischemia Resulted from Chronic Progressive Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion with CT PerfusionCT灌注分析慢性进展性大脑中动脉主干闭塞性脑缺血

10.On HPP map,hypo-perfusion in 20 cases and no blood perfusion in 1 case.门静脉灌注图,20例呈低灌注,1例无血流灌注。

11.Assessment of rCBF and Cerebrovascular Reserve by Xenon CT in Ischemic Stroke Patients缺血性卒中病人脑血流灌注及脑血管储备功能氙CT研究

12.The Study of Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by SPECT during Migraine Attacks;偏头痛急性发作期SPECT脑血流灌注显像的研究

13.An Experimental Study of the Effect of Ginaton on Hippocampal α、β-secretase of Old Rats after Chronic Cerebrohypoperfusion;Egb761对脑慢性低灌注老龄大鼠海马α、β-分泌酶影响的实验研究

14.ROCK Pathway on Cognitive Disfunction in Rats Caused by Chronic Cerebral HypoperfusionROCK信号转导在大鼠慢性脑低灌注致认知功能障碍中作用研究

15.The Reduced Expression of Connexin 32 and Connexin 36 in Rats with Cognitive Impairment Induced by Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion慢性脑低灌注大鼠海马缝隙连接蛋白32和36的表达变化

16.Effects of Mild Hypothermia on the AQP4 Expression and Brain Edema Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion in Rats;亚低温对局灶性脑缺血再灌注后AQP4表达和脑水肿的影响

17.Noninvasive cerebral blood flow mapping of bats with magnetic resonance perfusion imaging蝙蝠脑血流的磁共振脑灌注成像测量

18.Effect of learning and memory on chronic phase in Mongolian gerbil with 15 min of forebrain ischemia reperfusion沙土鼠15min前脑缺血再灌注后对慢性期学习记忆功能的评价


chronic cerebral hypoperfusion慢性脑低灌注

1.Effects of Weinaokang capsule on intracephalic cholinergic system and capability of scavenging free radicas inchronic cerebral hypoperfusion rats;维脑康胶囊对慢性脑低灌注大鼠脑内胆碱能系统及清除自由基能力的影响

2.Objective:To observe the intervention and mechanism of Weinaokang Capsule(WNK)on cognitive impairment rats induced bychronic cerebral hypoperfusion.目的:观察维脑康胶囊(WNK)对慢性脑低灌注所致大鼠认知障碍的干预作用及机制。

3.Aim:To observe the expressions of Cx32 and Cx36 in the hippocampus of rats suffering fromchronic cerebral hypoperfusion.目的:观察慢性脑低灌注大鼠海马组织中缝隙连接蛋白(Cx)32和Cx36的变化,探讨其在慢性脑低灌注认知功能损害中的作用。

3)chronic cerebrohypoperfusion脑慢性低灌注

1.Considerable researches had shown that brain ischemia, particularlychronic cerebrohypoperfusion prevailing in the elderly strongly associated with AD and resu.近年来,大量研究表明,脑缺血,尤其是老年人普遍存在的脑慢性低灌注与散发性AD强烈相关,可以导致AD发病过程中的核心物质β-淀粉样蛋白(β-amyloid protein,Aβ)增加,但是具体机制仍不清楚。

4)chronic hypoperfusional cerebral ischemia血管内皮生长因子慢性低灌注性脑缺血

5)chronic hypoperfusion慢性低灌注

1.Influence of 3,4-oxo-isopropylidene-shikimic acid on expression of choline acetyltransferase in CA1 subfield of hippocampus in rats withchronic hypoperfusion;异亚丙基莽草酸对慢性低灌注大鼠海马CA1区胆碱乙酰转移酶表达水平的影响

6)brain perfusion脑血流灌注

1.Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic value of subtraction image from ictal and interictalbrain perfusion SPECT images in localization of epileptic foci.目的:研究癫痫发作期与发作间期脑血流灌注显像减影法定位致癫灶的价值。


离体肝脏血流灌注离体肝脏血流灌注extracorporeal hepatic perfusion见“体外肝脏灌注”。

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