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严肃游戏 serious game英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-13 20:19:42


严肃游戏 serious game英语短句 例句大全

严肃游戏,serious game

1)serious game严肃游戏

2)Carefree and Serious游戏与严肃

3)Serious plays严肃戏剧


1."I think," she said, "I can do better in a serious play."“我想,"她说,"我演严肃戏剧可以演得更好一些。”

2.kitchen sink dramaph.1. 【英】一种有关家庭生活的严肃戏剧(或影片

3.(of a play or theatrical style)of the ordinary type; serious(指戏剧或戏剧风格)朴实无华的,严肃的

4.choreography that was sobersided and sententious; a play with a solemn social message.严肃、认真的舞蹈艺术;具有严肃的社会意义的戏剧。

5.a style of theatrical dancing that is not as restricted as classical ballet; movements are expressive of feelings.一种戏剧性的舞蹈它不象古典芭蕾那么严肃。

6.Shakespeare put funny scenes into his serious plays to provide a little light relief.莎士比亚将滑稽的场面插入他严肃的戏剧中,以便调剂一下气氛。

7.Seriousness Behind Absurdity --Reconsidering Ionesco′s Dramatic Style;荒诞性背后的严肃性——对尤奈斯库戏剧风格的再认识

8.His characters are complicated and skillfully created, but the topics he deal with, while serious, can be understood by all.他精心塑造的人物复杂,虽然他写的戏剧题材严肃,但是所有人都可以看懂。

9.He makes a toy of such a serious matter.他把这么一件严肃的事情当儿戏。

10.The burlesque element weakens the serious portions of the book.书里的戏谑成分使严肃部分受到损害。

11.a serio-comic remark, style, play半严肃半滑稽的言语、 风格、 话剧.

12.Can comedies have serious themes?喜剧可不可以有严肃的主题呢?

13.a comedy with serious elements or overtones.带有严肃成分或者弦外之音的喜剧。

14."You didn"t go into comedy-drama, after all?"“你终究没去演严肃喜剧吗?

edy is the most serious business in the world.喜剧是世界上最严肃的行业。

16.Of or relating to a serious dramatic role.庄重的,严肃的剧中某个严肃角色的或与其有关的

17.a severe critic of modern drama严厉批评现代戏剧的评论家

18.My friend Maston is always at his jokes, even in serious matters.我的朋友梅斯顿甚至把严肃的事情当作儿戏了。


Carefree and Serious游戏与严肃

3)Serious plays严肃戏剧


1.The artist faced the apotheosized arts with the vivid time spirit and devoted mind and faced the principle parts of his painting forms with hisserious state.中世纪至文艺复兴早期的坎培拉绘画,是在基督教浓郁的社会人文氛围中创作出来的,艺术家带着鲜明的时代精神以虔诚的心灵面对神化的艺术,严肃的心态面对主题性绘画形式创作,精神的执着表现在精湛的技艺里,以单纯的色彩雕塑历史和人文情怀,再现历史赋予中世纪的智慧。



1."Seriousness" of New Literature and "Post-seriousness" of Contemporary Literature;新文学的“严肃性”与当下文学的“后严肃性”

2.This paper aims to confirm that it is more meaningful to criticize literature form the perspective ofseriousness and popularization.其实,从严肃性与通俗性的角度谈文学,更有意义。

3.Although Huizinga\"s theory cannot cast off the impression of fan-play,but highseriousness and comprehending humanism that he endowed with made play theory more thoughtful,and further provided human culture research with special perspective of play.虽然,赫伊津哈的理论不免给人以泛游戏论的印象,但他赋予游戏的高度严肃性与极富包容性的人文精神不但为游戏论注入了新的内涵,更为人类文化史的研究提供了特别的游戏视角。



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