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弄堂 alley英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-03 09:27:53


弄堂 alley英语短句 例句大全



1.We examine the specific style of the neo-school novels from the perspective of two frequently used image in the novels, pub andalley, which reflects the extravagant scene of debau.本文选取了“酒吧”与“弄堂”这两个“新海派”小说中反复出现的意象,透视上海灯红酒绿、繁花似锦的现代生活和平淡质朴、家长里短的弄堂日子,从而分析“酒吧”与“弄堂”建构的“新海派”小说的独特风情。


1.I came by cutting through the lane.我是穿过弄堂抄近路来的。

2.Rule 19: Trends rarely turn on a dime.规则十九:大趋势不会在小弄堂转弯。

3.The History and Recivilization of the "Lane Factory" in Shanghai;上海弄堂工厂的历史沿革与再生研究

4.Pub and Alley Fiction Style of Neo-Shanghai Literature School;“酒吧”与“弄堂”建构的“新海派”小说风情

5.Look Through Shanghai People Across the Shikumen Alley Culture穿越百年石库门弄堂文化透视“上海人”

6.Small Lanes and Family Halls--Urban Culture Memory of Female胡同和弄堂——女性的都市文化记忆

7.To mock such a serious man as Don Guillermo is beyond all right.作弄堂·吉列尔莫这样的正经人,真正不公道。

8.People living in the small alleyways of Shanghai pay little attention to the waxing and waning, or the visibility, of the moon.例3:住在上海“弄堂房子”里的人对月亮的圆缺隐现是不甚关心的。

9.The public life in Shanghai alley and pedestrian streets is the keystone of the study.人们在上海弄堂和步行街中的公共生活,是本文研究的重点。

10.Alley-life-Urban Culture Interpretations of Wang Anyi s Shanghai Stories;弄堂人生—试论王安忆上海题材小说的城市文化书写

11.A Heart in the Lane,a Soul in the City--On the Characterization of the Heroine ofA SONG OF UNENDING SORROW;一颗弄堂里的“心”一个都市里的“魂”——《长恨歌》女主人公王琦瑶析

12.Research on Some Primary Schools of Pudong New Area Carry out the Nongtang Games in Shanghai上海市浦东新区部分小学弄堂游戏开展现状研究

13.Thanks to the address given on the application form, he finally managed to find the secluded street in Yangshupu. The moment he stepped into the lane, he was taken aback by what he saw.根据报名单上的地址,好容易找到了在杨树浦的那条僻静的马路,进了弄堂,蓦地不由吃了一惊。

14.Second Daughter-in-law said, "The alley houses in Shanghai are so small.Even when there is a room for storing chests, it won"t hold very many.二奶奶道:“上海的弄堂房子太小,就有搁箱子的房间,也搁不下多少箱子。

15.Policeman was seen to smile to potboy.有人看见巡警向那个跑堂的挤眉弄眼。

16.He went to church only to mock.他到教堂去只是为了嘲弄宗教。

17.Hydro-chemical variation explanation to Landiantang spring in Nongla of Guangxi广西弄拉兰电堂岩溶泉水化学动态变化

18.Sondra Finchley tried to make something of him in order to spite me principally, and so getting herself smirched.桑德拉·芬琪雷,想帮他弄出点名堂来。主要是为了对付我却弄得自己也身败名裂。


Lane culture弄堂文化

3)the land factory弄堂工厂

4)the alleys of ShangHai上海弄堂

5)daughter of the alley弄堂女儿

6)close alley狭弄堂



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