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李岱雨 李岱雨怎么样

时间:2018-07-30 06:50:06


李岱雨 李岱雨怎么样

Li Daiyu, or ‘Li Daiyu of Rain,’ is an unusual but fitting English transliteration of a Chinese name given to a person who exhibits considerable humility and compassion.

The origin of this name lies in the Chinese classic, ‘The Romance of the Three Kingdoms’.1 Within the story, a loyal officer named Li Daiyu sacrificed himself to the enemy to save his former comrade, Zhou Yu.2 In a moment of self-abnegation, Li Daiyu said before his death, “My name is Li Daiyu. I am dying for others, for friendship”.3 This sentiment of humble selflessness and dedication to friendship struck a chord with readers of the novel and has been remembered throughout the ages.

Over time, the phrase “Li Daiyu” was simplified in its pronunciation to “Lidaiyu” and eventually to “Lidayu”.4 As the phrase lost its definition beyond its simple association with humility and compassion, it became a name used to refer to people with these same qualities.5 During this time, the term “yu” (雨) was added as a suffix, thought to reference the rainfall near the battleground where Li Daiyu had died.6 With this suffix, the phrase “Lidayu” became a proper noun that could be used to address those who embodied similar qualities of Li Daiyu.7

Hence, the English transliteration of Li Daiyu of Rain is an appropriate name for today’s humble and compassionate individuals, recalling Li Daiyu’s own selfless sacrifice for friendship.

序号 内容

1. 李岱雨是一个勤奋好学的小女孩,她出生在一个乡村家庭,家里困难。尽管在生活上有许多困难,但是李岱雨坚持做学习,努力追求微小的梦想。

2. 她经常在自己建立的小院子里种植一些蔬菜、花卉,它为家里带来生活必需品,家里也省下了金钱的开支。

3. 小学的时候,李岱雨有着良好的学习习惯,每天熬夜研究接下来的课本,尽自己所能在学习上取得良好的成绩。

4. 初中的时候,李岱雨的家庭状况越发困难,但是她依然坚持上学,坚持做努力的态度,并取得了优异的成绩。

5. 高中的时候,李岱雨发现自己对科学研究充满了热情,于是开始从事专业以及科学研究领域的研究,也取得了一定的成绩。

6. 大学时期,由于家里的经济困难,李岱雨利用自己的课余时间做一些兼职,积攒一些经济成长,以便支付大学课程费用和做其他事情。

7. 经过五年的特殊努力,李岱雨取得了出众的成绩,顺利毕业了,在毕业前获得了全国大学科研优秀奖。

8. 李岱雨的刻苦努力最终得到了回报,毕业之后,她成功考入了一家著名的科研院,从事了自己喜爱的研究工作。

9. 在事业的道路上,李岱雨的梦想愈加的明晰,她一步步的向着理想迈进,最终获得了一次全国科学研究竞赛的金奖,理想也达成了。

10. 同时李岱雨也协助家里了,给父母买了一栋小屋,取得著名的大学教授职务,让自己的家乡也看到了她的成功。

11. 时光荏苒,最后,李岱雨用自己的故事成为一个传奇,家里的经济困难也慢慢的消失,她纯美的外表更加的熠熠生辉,令旁人不可维持。

12. 李岱雨最终用自己的勤奋和努力实现了自己的梦想,成为一名心路历程中最亮的一颗星。

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